Alain Minc

President & Founder, A.M. Counseil

Alain Minc was born in Paris on April 15, 1949. Mr. Minc is a graduate of the Ecole des Mines de Paris and of ENA. After serving as Inspecteur des Finances, Mr. Minc joined Compagnie de Saint-Gobain in 1979, as Chief Financial Officer.In 1986, Mr. Minc became Vice-Chairman of CIR International (Compagnie Industriali Riunite International) and General Manager of Cerus (Compagnies Européennes Réunies) which were the non-Italian affiliates of Benedetti Group.In 1991, Alain Minc founded its own consultancy firm, AM Conseil.He has been a Board Member of numerous companies and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Le Monde, the leading French newspaper (19/12/94 to 11/02/2008)He is Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur.Alain Minc wrote more than 30 books since 1978, among them some have been best sellers (Rapport sur l’informatisation de la société ; La Machine égalitaire ; La vengeance des Nations ; le Nouveau Moyen âge ; Rapport sur la France de l’an 2000 ; ; Epître à nos nouveaux maîtres (2003) ; Les Prophètes du bonheur : histoire personnelle de la pensée économique (2004) ; Ce monde qui vient (2004). Le Crépuscule des petits dieux (2006) ; Une sorte de Diable, les vies de John M. Keynes (December 2006). ). The three last ones are published in September 2008, “Une histoire de France”; in April 2009 “Dix jours qui ébranleront le monde” and in September 2010, “Une histoire politique des intellectuels”.

Minc was previously a member of the 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe, and The WorldPost Advisory Council.